Webinar de colaboración contra la trata de menores
On the last day of National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, Jan. 31, 2022, Texas CASA and statewide partners shared updates and information for local CASA programs in the area of anti-child trafficking and exploitation. Viewers will be introduced to Texas CASA’s new anti-child trafficking consultant Rhonda Kuykendall and will hear from members of the Texas Governor’s Office Child Sex Trafficking Team, DFPS’ Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Team, and Allies Against Slavery/Lighthouse. Lighthouse is the platform to upload CSE-IT results, and coordinate care, and understand statewide trends. Resources include the presentation PowerPoint, and the Lighthouse Support Guide and Lighthouse Quick Start Guide.
Sellos de tiempo:
4:10: Esfuerzos de CASA de Texas contra el tráfico de menores
12:20: División de Trata de Seres Humanos del DFPS
24:51: Oficina del Gobernador, cómo los defensores son esenciales en la respuesta a la trata de seres humanos
1:06:50: Lighthouse, un programa informático que ayuda a las organizaciones a identificar a las víctimas, coordinar la atención y comprender las tendencias.
1:20:20: Preguntas y respuestas