13 events found.
CFE Webinar: Making Hope Possible for Older Youth
Have you ever advocated for a youth in a Residential Treatment Center (RTC) or in a specialized placement that seems like they have no one? What about a youth in juvenile detention or a youth without an authorized placement? The connection work with these youth can be daunting and frustrating as you try to engage […]
Weekly New ED Call
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Texas CASA Conference
We are excited to bring back the full, 3-day Texas CASA Conference, October 23-25 in Galveston! As a network, we are working to understand and adjust to the changes happening in the child welfare system. This year’s conference All Aboard: Mapping Uncharted Waters is an opportunity for us to come together to learn from those who work […]
Weekly New ED Call
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Weekly New ED Call
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Weekly New ED Call
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