VOCA Progress Report Q&A TODAY at 9 a.m.

As your program’s grant contact should be aware, starting FY22 Q4, Texas CASA will host the quarterly VOCA Progress Report process in the ODM. Grants Management Specialist II Brandi Goen is walking through the report and answering questions during the Weekly New ED call TODAY, Sept. 28, at 9 a.m. Join at the link!

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More Information

On the first day of the month following the end of the previous quarter, the VOCA Progress Report form will be uploaded for each program under the “VOCA Progress Reports” section on your accounts page. You will receive an email once the upload is complete, letting you know your program’s progress report is available. From there, you will be able to edit the report, fill in your program’s data and submit for review. There have been no changes to the questions, the order of the questions or to the reporting requirements. There are several help icons next to individual questions for more information.


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