New Star Health Information for Program Staff & Advocates
All program staff and advocates are invited to join us on August 28 for an engaging session with Jorge Gonzales, Executive Director of Star Health, and Anthony Ortega, Training Manager at Superior Health. In just one hour, we’ll delve into the intricacies of Star Health Basic Benefits, including recent structural changes. This session will cover new implementations to the 3-day exam and evaluation process, mental health services and how CASA can effectively champion medical care and services covered by Star Health.
Este acto interactivo proporcionará información exhaustiva y responderá a las preguntas relativas a la solicitud de una PMUR (revisión médica psicológica), el programa para jóvenes en transición (de 15 a 21 años), las solicitudes de vivienda para jóvenes en transición y los pasaportes sanitarios. Given the vital importance of this information for our program staff and volunteers, we’re extending the invitation to all CASA program staff and their volunteer advocates.