Quiénes somos

La historia de Texas CASA

Established in 1989, Texas CASA is the statewide membership association for all local CASA programs. In this role, we support the CASA network by serving as the administrator of state and federal funds, setting and monitoring standards, providing training, leading a statewide volunteer recruitment campaign, advocating for public policy and more. Texas CASA is committed to partnering with statewide stakeholders and the CASA network to elevate best practices when working with children and families.

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La misión de Texas CASA es apoyar los programas locales de defensa de voluntarios CASA y abogar por una política pública eficaz para los niños y las familias en el sistema de protección infantil.

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Texas CASA imagina un futuro seguro y positivo para todos los niños de Texas.

Programas CASA locales

Collectively, the local CASA programs serve the majority of Texas’ 254 counties. As integral members of their respective communities, they recruit, train, supervise and support court-appointed volunteers to advocate for the best interest of children. Local programs also coordinate and collaborate with other service providers who share the mission of supporting Texas families.  

Asociación Nacional CASA/GAL

The National CASA/GAL Association, together with state and local member programs, supports and promotes court-appointed volunteer advocacy so every child who has experienced abuse or neglect can be safe, have a permanent home, and the opportunity to thrive. 


Texas CASA believes:

  1. Children, parents and families of all abilities, backgrounds, experiences and identities deserve the highest quality advocacy and support.
  2. Every child deserves to feel and be safe and to have their needs met.
  3. It is in a child’s best interest to remain with and be connected to their parents and family of origin whenever possible.
  4. Every child deserves lifelong caring connections with others and a stable home.
  5. All parents and family members should be provided the chance to be heard and to show themselves as safe and caring.
  1. Every child deserves to thrive; children thrive and heal in healthy, positive relationships.
  2. Family is defined by the individual and is not limited to blood or adoptive relations.
  3. Every family is unique, complex and has their own challenges; challenges can be overcome and resilience can be built. 
  4. Collaboration is important for families and the professionals supporting them, and helps to build shared commitment, participation and understanding.
  5. Legislative and social advocacy are powerful tools to systematically protect the health and well-being of children and families. 
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