Serie de eventos:
¡Keep Calm and CASA On! Reclutamiento Zoom Chats
¡Keep Calm and CASA On! Reclutamiento Zoom Chats
abril 16 @ 13.15 h – 14.15 h
Join the Texas CASA recruitment team and your fellow recruiters on the third Wednesday of each month for the Keep Calm and CASA On! recruitment Zoom calls. The calls will all be around general recruitment but each one will have a different topic of focus. You’ll hear updates from Texas CASA, learn from guest speakers, and have plenty of time to chat with other recruiters about what they are doing in the world of recruitment.
No es necesario que te inscribas previamente a la llamada de Zoom. Sólo tienes que apuntarte cuando sea la hora. Todas las llamadas comenzarán a la 1:15 p.m. CST. A continuación encontrará el enlace Zoom para unirse o llamar a 1-346-248-7799
Identificación de la reunión: 890 4179 0555