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¡Keep Calm and CASA On! Reclutamiento Zoom Chats
Join the Texas CASA recruitment team and your fellow recruiters on the third Wednesday of each month for the Keep Calm and CASA On! recruitment Zoom calls. The calls will all be around general recruitment but each one will have a different topic of focus. You’ll hear updates from Texas CASA, learn from guest speakers, […]
Webinar de la CFE: Hacer posible la esperanza para los jóvenes de más edad
Have you ever advocated for a youth in a Residential Treatment Center (RTC) or in a specialized placement that seems like they have no one? What about a youth in juvenile detention or a youth without an authorized placement? The connection work with these youth can be daunting and frustrating as you try to engage […]
Conferencia CASA de Texas
¡Estamos muy contentos de traer de vuelta la Conferencia de Texas CASA completa, de 3 días, del 23 al 25 de octubre en Galveston! Como red, estamos trabajando para entender y adaptarnos a los cambios que están ocurriendo en el sistema de bienestar infantil. La conferencia de este año All Aboard: Mapping Uncharted Waters es una oportunidad para reunirnos y aprender de aquellos que trabajan [...]