Who We Are

Texas CASA’s Story

Texas CASA is the statewide association for 74 local CASA programs. We work to connect each part of the CASA community and empower the local programs to perform at their highest level. At the local level, the programs recruit, train and supervise Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteers to advocate for children involved in the child welfare system and improve their well-being. At the state level, Texas CASA provides financial support, training and services to help the local programs operate effectively.

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Texas CASA envisions a safe and positive future for all Texas children.

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The CASA Way

We have an uncompromising belief that we will achieve what others think is impossible, and each of us is an essential part of the solution.

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Texas CASA’s mission is to support local CASA volunteer advocacy programs and to advocate for effective public policy for children and families in the child protection system.

Local CASA Programs

At the local level, the 74 CASA programs in Texas do the hands-on work of recruiting, training and supervising volunteers to advocate for the best interests of children in the foster care system.

National CASA/GAL Association

For more than 35 years, the National CASA/GAL Association for Children has worked in service of the national network of state and local programs to strategically establish, promote and support the formation, recruitment, training, development and activities of highly effective member programs.

Guiding Principles

Texas CASA recognizes that every child has a right to be raised by their family of origin in an environment where they are, and feel, physically and emotionally safe. Texas CASA believes effective advocacy includes meaningful engagement with a child’s parents, family and others important to them.

Texas CASA recognizes that belonging in positive, trusting communities supports resiliency and healing from trauma. Texas CASA believes that children and youth have the right to be connected to their communities of origin and their communities of choice.

Texas CASA recognizes that each family’s traditions and familial norms deserve to be honored and respected. Texas CASA believes that supporting children and families includes proactively understanding their unique cultural identities, practices and everyday activities.

Texas CASA recognizes that disparities exist in all aspects of society including the child welfare system. Texas CASA believes in promoting greater equity and cultural competency, and addressing the root causes of these disparities through education, training, resources and policy work.

Texas CASA recognizes that biases exist within ourselves. Texas CASA believes that race, ethnicity and language are valuable aspects of identity and should be honored and celebrated.

Texas CASA recognizes that being lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer (LGBTQ) is an intrinsic, valuable and proud part of identity and culture. Texas CASA believes that LGBTQ children and families must be respected and honored, and deserve full equality and protections.

Texas CASA recognizes that quality advocacy includes both empowerment and protection of all children, inclusive of gender, gender identity and gender expression. Texas CASA believes advocacy should be free of sexism, heterosexism and transphobia.

Texas CASA recognizes that children and youth have a right to explore spiritual and religious paths of their choosing. Texas CASA believes having these options is conducive to health, happiness and healing.

Texas CASA recognizes that people with disabilities whether seen or unseen; people with physical, mental, mobility, sensory or developmental impairments; and people who are chronically ill face significant barriers to equal treatment in the child welfare system. Texas CASA believes youth and families with disabilities deserve quality advocacy, and will address ableism and institutional barriers wherever possible.

Texas CASA recognizes the significant trauma that children experience when they are in an environment where intimate partner violence is occurring. We also recognize the extreme danger that survivors of intimate partner violence encounter, especially as they weigh the risks of leaving an abusive relationship. Texas CASA believes in providing education around these issues, and promoting partnership with parents who are survivors of intimate partner violence to keep their children safely in their care whenever possible.

Texas CASA recognizes that substance use disorder is a disease. Texas CASA believes in compassionately standing by families that are working towards long-term recovery from substance use disorder.

Texas CASA recognizes that mental health is an equal partner to physical health, and that mental illnesses are treatable. Texas CASA believes that children and families deserve access to high quality advocacy, healthcare and treatment.

Texas CASA recognizes the historical and systemic causes of wealth disparity in our communities. Texas CASA believes in not equating poverty with a failure of character or parenting skill.

What We Stand For

Texas CASA is an inclusive, welcoming and affirming organization that is committed to our goal of ensuring the highest quality advocacy possible for all children and families in the child protection system. We value, celebrate and actively seek out diverse candidates. We are an equal opportunity employer and do not discriminate against any individual, employee or applicant on the basis of race, national origin, color, creed, sex, age, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, or veteran or citizenship status.

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