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Privacy & Security Training

This Course focuses on the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and other state and federal regulations CASA programs in Texas are now subject to as of 9/1/2015.

Course Objectives:

Understand the privacy and security requirements of the federal HIPAA/HITECH regulations, state privacy laws, and Texas CASA policies and procedures and what information must be protected
Understand how privacy and security requirements affect you in your job and what you can do to protect confidential information
Understand your responsibilities for good computer practices
Understand how to prevent privacy breaches and security incidents and what to do if they occur

Collaborative Family Engagement

Welcome to the Collaborative Family Engagement (CFE) course, which is the pre-requisite for the follow up training. Throughout this e-learning, you will receive an overview of the CFE process, concepts and tools; and foundational information. The course is intended for users from CASA, CPS, CBC providers and other stakeholders participating in CFE.

The Art of Coaching for Volunteer Retention E-Learning Course

The Art of Coaching: Volunteer Supervision and Retention is your go-to resource for volunteer retention best practices and tools to help your program become more volunteer centered.

This e-learning course (and the accompanying guidebook) goes beyond traditional methods and emphasizes coaching, mentoring, supporting and actively cherishing CASA volunteers – all in an effort to fulfill our goal of a CASA volunteer for every child who needs one.

Successfully Engaging Your Board

“Engaging Your Board in Fundraising” was hosted on August 20 at 11:00 a.m. by Ben Case of Case Consulting Services. Case has been helping nonprofits meet their strategic and fundraising goals for more than 30 years and brings a wealth of experience to his work.