What is Collaborative Family Engagement (CFE)?

The CASA network strives to be at the forefront of emerging challenges in child welfare and in an effort to address these challenges head-on, Texas CASA, in partnership with the Department of Family & Protective Services (DFPS), began the Collaborative Family Engagement (CFE) initiative in 2015.

CFE is a team-based approach between local CASA programs and CPS, as well as SSCCs, to engage, find and work with family members and fictive kin in the creation and development of a lifetime network for young people in the foster care system. One of the goals of CFE is to help children achieve strong connectivity and permanency faster, preferably with relatives or other trusted loved ones. In collaboration with the DFPS, local CASA programs and community partners, we are working to ensure that every child in foster care has the opportunity for lifelong connections.

Check out this short video to see when CFE was developed, how it works and more:

Watch the Video

For more information on CFE visit our website.