1-8 of 30 results
  • Dual-Status Youth Webinar Part 2
    Dual-Status youth are youth involved in both the child-welfare and juvenile justice systems. This 2-part Webinar Series provides an overview of what it means to be a dual-status youth, the biggest challenges these […]
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  • Dual-Status Youth Webinar Part 1
    Dual-Status youth are youth involved in both the child-welfare and juvenile justice systems. This 2-part Webinar Series provides an overview of what it means to be a dual-status youth, the biggest challenges these […]
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  • The Life Cycle of Human Trafficking
    The Life Cycle of Human Trafficking was presented by Saul Castellanos, CEO, Freedom Youth Project Foundation. Learn more about Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking (DMST), and understand why everyone has a […]
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  • Key Elements of Resiliency for CASA Staff & Volunteers
    Working with child abuse victims can take an emotional toll on volunteers and staff who not only see the impact of abuse and neglect on children but also struggle with the impact of a broken system on children who need...
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  • La ley CASA ACT: Guía para voluntarios y programas Webinar
    La CASA ACT: Volunteer and Program Guide webinar fue presentado a CASA of Cross Timbers el 15 de febrero de 2024. El webinar revisa los recursos disponibles en CASA de Texas. La Guía de Voluntarios [...]
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  • Webinar sobre la defensa de los jóvenes del sistema dual
    "Abogacía para Jóvenes con Doble Sistema" es presentado por Ryan Miller de CASA del Condado de Travis. Este webinar explorará el sistema juvenil y las realidades de los jóvenes con doble implicación (jóvenes en [...]
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  • Visión general de los exámenes CSE-IT Webinar
    CSE-IT son las siglas en inglés de Herramienta de Identificación de la Explotación Sexual Comercial. La CSE-IT es una herramienta de detección validada diseñada para mejorar la identificación precoz de los jóvenes que sufren explotación sexual comercial de [...].
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  • Webinar CASA contra el tráfico de menores 101
    This webinar was presented by Rhonda Kuykendall to share the CASA Anti Child Trafficking plan, signs of trafficking, and steps to be good partners in the anti-trafficking community.  She also […]
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