STAR – Supervisor Training, Assistance, and Resources
STAR (Supervisor Training, Assistance, and Resources) provides resources to help Supervisors train CASA volunteers on how to best advocate for a child in the foster care system. Helping the CASA volunteer understand their role and the roles of other people in the CASA child’s support network will allow them to be better equipped to help with their unique needs.
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This guide is intended to give a CASA Volunteer Coordinator/Advocate Supervisor (VC from this point forward) a better understanding of their role and expectations. For a more extensive guide to volunteer coaching and retention, refer to The Art of Coaching for Volunteer Retention and Volunteer Coaching and Advocacy resources on
the Texas CASA website.
All STAR Resources for Local Program Staff & Volunteers
Featured Content
Procedures Guide for Volunteer Coordinators
The Procedures Guide for Volunteer Coordinators is a resource for program staff who supervise volunteers. The…
Volunteer Supervision & Coaching Resources and Training for CASA Program Staff
Coaching Playbook
The Volunteer Coaching & Advocacy Coaching Playbook walks supervisors through what is coaching, how to coach…
Volunteer Management Manual
The Volunteer Management Manual provides information and sample resources around background checks, volunteer training requirements and…
GROW Sample Questions
The GROW Model of Coaching is an approach recommended for volunteer advocacy coaches when working with…
Who Does What? CASA Advocate / CASA Coach
When you are in the trenches with your advocates it can be easy to slip into…
Tips & Tricks for Maintaining Cohesion in Your Multi-County Program
Having a CASA program spread over multiple counties brings its own challenges and gifts. Read ten…
Powerful Coaching Questions
One of the foundations of successful coaching is asking your CASA Advocate powerful questions to guide…
Coaching Principles Poster
This attractive poster can be printed and hung in CASA staff offices to remind them of…
Coaching Prep Sheet
All great coaches have a plan of action to help their team succeed! Consider using the…
Coaching Principles
A coach has more questions than answers and guides the coachee through a thinking process that…
The Art of Coaching for Volunteer Retention E-Learning Course
The Art of Coaching: Volunteer Supervision and Retention is your go-to resource for volunteer retention best…
Volunteer Evaluation
Volunteer evaluation is central to improving advocacy, providing quality coaching and achieving volunteer retention. Download sample…
Volunteer Application Process
All CASA volunteer applicants are required to complete a written volunteer application, submit the names of…
The Art of Coaching Guide
The Art of Coaching for Volunteer Retention guidebook is your go-to resource for volunteer retention best…
Sample Volunteer Management Procedures
Step-by-step procedures can help CASA volunteer supervisors effectively manage the program’s CASA volunteers. For reference, you can review…
Individualized Advocacy & Action Plan
Ensuring the highest level of quality in CASA advocacy requires CASA volunteers to do many activities…
5 Ways to Delight Future Volunteers
One method of engaging potential new volunteers is to use “welcome gifts.” Simply surprise volunteer applicants…
CASA Advocacy Toolkits and Resources for Volunteers
Understanding the Roles in a CPS Case
Texas CASA partnered with the Supreme Court of Texas Children’s Commission to develop five handouts and…
MSL Card (Minimum Sufficient Level of Care)
This 5×7 printable card lays out the guidelines of MSL, or Minimum Sufficient Level of Care.
Ombudsman for Children and Youth in Foster Care
Children and youth in foster care have a right to ask questions or file a complaint…
Aging Out of Foster Care Resource in English and Spanish
The Texas Foster Youth Justice Project has created a resource for youth aging out of foster…
Normalcy Matters: A Guide to Supporting Children & Youth in Texas Foster Care
Texas CASA released the Normalcy Matters: A Guide to Supporting Children & Youth in Texas Foster…
Dual-Status Youth Resources and Trainings
Dual-status youth are children who are involved in both the child welfare and juvenile justice systems…
Advocacy for Youth Affected by Sex Trafficking
Youth who have been affected by trafficking in foster care need CASA volunteers who are well-trained,…
Invisible Disabilities Resource Guide
The Invisible Disabilities Resource Guide is a tool to highlight related CASA advocacy practices and resources…
Well-Being Considerations Matrix & Wheel
Well-being is addressing and meeting the physical health, mental health, social, emotional, and educational needs of…
Working with Incarcerated Parents
The following resource guide and trainings provide educational information to support children with parents who are…
Court Order Suggested Wording
Guardian Ad Litems are given the authority to share limited information obtained through their appointment according…
Legal Terms Glossary
Study up on legal language! This 12-page glossary of legal terms related to CASA cases will…
Holley Factors
In 1976, the Texas Supreme Court set forth a litany of factors that should be considered…
CASA/GAL Excerpts From the Texas Family Code
Excerpts from Title 5. The parent-child relationship and the suit affecting the parent-child relationship.
Permission to Release Health Information
The Texas Medical Records Privacy Act (TMRPA) protects patients’ personal health information (PHI) by guaranteeing that…
CASA Advocacy Training, Webinars and E-learning for Volunteers and Staff
Finding Your Resilience Webinar
Finding Your Resilience is a STAR webinar on resiliency with special guest presenters Dr. Cynthia Lietz and…
QRTP (Qualified Residential Treatment Program) DFPS Pilot Update
Qualified Residential Treatment Programs are a new type of residential operation which offer an increase in…
STAR Health Insurance Information
This is an engaging session with Jorge Gonzales, Executive Director of Star Health, and Anthony Ortega,…
Best Practices for Testifying in Court
This course discusses best practices when testifying in court, and legal rights and responsibilities for individuals…
PMC Series: Lived Experience and Advocacy Resources
For their next few monthly Zoom meetings, VCA will be presenting a three-part PMC (Permanent Managing…
Guardian Ad Litem Role and Holley Factors
This course is the September 2022 VCA training on the Guardian Ad Litem role and Holley…
Strengthening Families Using a Racial Equity Lens Training
The Volunteer Coaching and Advocacy team hosted a courageous conversation with special guests from the Center…
Working with Incarcerated Parents
The following resource guide and trainings provide educational information to support children with parents who are…