Past Awareness Campaigns
With the goal of making CASA a household name across the state, Texas CASA joined forces with a strategic marketing partner, GDC Marketing & Ideation, to develop a statewide marketing campaign. This comprehensive, multi-touch campaign aims to generate awareness and position CASA as the premier volunteer opportunity. Texas CASA has put together this toolkit of marketing materials and collateral for all local CASA programs across Texas to use in their recruitment efforts. By working together as a cohesive and unified network, we can create the kind of recognition that CASA needs to fulfill our goal of a CASA volunteer for every child.
Marketing & Collateral Materials
The creative materials are all based on the platform “Every child has a chance – it’s you.®” Every child deserves to be protected and cared for, and it’s our obligation as a community to lift their voice to ensure they get proper care and are kept safe within the system. “Every child has a chance” reinforces that message and emphasizes that all children have an opportunity to live a happy and safe life. By ending it with “it’s you,” it talks to our potential volunteers by showing them that they have that power. It conveys that everyone can make that difference in a child’s life.
Please review the “Every child has a chance – it’s you.®” branding guidelines before getting started.
All files are print and press-ready. It is your program’s responsibility to print and distribute to local media.