CFE Tools App Webinar
You're invited to join the Texas CASA CFE Team for a webinar training to learn more about the CFE Tools App. The CFE Tools App provides an engaging way for members of the CFE Team to complete engagement tools in-person with young people in foster care, and/or with their parents, family members, caregivers, or other important people. The CFE Tools App can be downloaded for free on the Apple App Store or […]
Weekly New ED Call
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STAR Monthly Zoom
The STAR Monthly Zoom meetings will be held on the last Monday of the month unless otherwise announced in Inside CASA or on the STAR listserv.
Weekly New ED Call
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Weekly New ED Call
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Empowering Education: Advocacy Skills for Foster Youth Success (Webinar)
This session provides CASA volunteers with the tools they need to advocate effectively for a child’s educational stability and success. Volunteers will learn how to navigate Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) processes, and collaborate with schools to ensure that each child’s unique needs are met. The training will also cover strategies […]
Weekly New ED Call
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