Texas CASA Staff Resources
Internal Support Forms
Click on the button below that best describes the support your team needs, and complete the accompanying form. These requests are for Texas CASA staff only.
CALTex – Communications
If the material or correspondence you are creating will be seen by a larger external audience than Texas CASA staff, you should involve the Communications team.
Events and Meetings
In order to successfully coordinate your meeting/event, please complete the form at least two months before publicizing your event.
Data Request Form – Administration
This form streamlines data requests received by the Administration team.
CALTEX Learning
Strategic Network Support should review all in-person training plans at least 60 days in advance of the event. Once you submit the form, SNS will contact you about setting up a meeting.
Texas CASA Branding
Contracted Providers
Texas CASA has coordinated contracts with three local printers. Teams are allowed to work directly with any of the printers listed below. You can reach out to one printer to work with or ask multiple printers for project estimates before moving forward. When reaching out for a quote, printers are typically looking for the dimensions, number of pages, and print count. Typically they will also provide different paper options. Reach out to the Communications team with any questions.
One Touch Point
Email: samantha.sanchez@1touchpoint.com
Phone: 512-483-6247
Website: 1touchpoint.com
While teams are allowed to work directly with graphic designers, content and design must still be reviewed by the Communications team to ensure brand consistencies. Communications team must review your project at least twice – the first review is of the final written content before it is sent to the designer and the second review is in the design stage. With larger projects like guidebooks, Communications will need to be more involved in the design portion. The designer must provide a cover and sample spreads before placing the content. This way we can modify the layout before all content is added.
Tenfold Creative Co
Point Person: Kaitlin Aguilar
Email: kaitlin@tenfoldcreative.co
Phone: 817-988-2119
Website: www.tenfoldcreative.co
Point Person: Laurel Barickman
Email: lau@recspec.co
Phone: 512-906-6116
Website: https://recspec.co/
Daly Editing
Point Person: Victoria Daly
Email: victoria@dalyediting.com
Website: https://dalyediting.com/
Language & Content Services
Point Person: Adriana Urgelles
Email: aurgelles@languageandcontent.com
Phone: 512-226-3647
Point Person: Addy Miro
Email: addymiro@languageandcontent.com
Phone: 512-705-8017
Website: https://languageandcontent.com/