Local Board Officer Development Training Series 2021

This course is a collection of Local Board Officer Development Trainings recorded during 2021.  This course will be updated with all 5 trainings.  All Local CASA Program Boards are required to have at least one representative view each training video before August 2021, either by attending live trainings, or by viewing these videos.

Viewers must take the knowledge and satisfaction survey that accompanies each training video.

Any questions about Local Board Officer Development Trainings can be directed to Celeste Prather, at Cprather@texascasa.org.

Topics of the Local Board Officer Trainings for 2021 are as follows:

1. Building a Culture of Philanthropy

2. Partnering for Diversity with Your Board of Directors

3. Goal Setting for Philanthropy

4. Cultivation, Solicitation and Stewardship

5. The Ask