Resources for the Program Portal
Upcoming CSE-IT Trainings to Learn the Signs of Commercial Sexual Exploitation
This training is hosted and facilitated by the Child Sex Trafficking Team at the Office of the Governor and is open to all CASA staff in Texas. This training is not open for CASA volunteers. It will prepare staff to…
Advocacy for Dual System Youth Webinar
“Advocacy for Dual System Youth” is presented by Ryan Miller of CASA of Travis County. This webinar will explore the juvenile system and the realities of dually-involved youth (youth in the conservatorship of CPS who also have juvenile charges). It…
CFE Team Meeting Notes
The CFE Team Meeting Notes can be used as a template for a CFE Team Meeting, a structured approach to collaboration between CASA and CPS for a young person or family receiving CFE. Download Here
CFE Fidelity Index
The CFE Fidelity Index outlines the implementation timeline for local CASA programs and CPS for each young person or family receiving CFE. The index lists different action steps that can be completed within each of the 4C’s of CFE to…
Overview of CSE-IT Screenings Webinar
CSE-IT stands for Commercially Sexually Exploited Identification Tool. The CSE-IT is a validated screening tool designed to improve the early identification of youth who are experiencing commercial sexual exploitation of children and human trafficking. The Overview of CSE-IT Screenings is…
CASA Anti-Child Trafficking 101 Webinar
This webinar was presented by Rhonda Kuykendall to share the CASA Anti Child Trafficking plan, signs of trafficking, and steps to be good partners in the anti-trafficking community. She also discussed the ACT program and volunteer guide which are available…
CASA Anti-Child Trafficking Program Guide
Youth who have been affected by trafficking in foster care need CASA volunteers who are well-trained, connected and prepared to support their specialized needs. CASA ACT is a call to action for the CASA network in Texas. The aim is…
Development 101
This webinar was originally broadcast from 10 – 11 a.m. on Oct. 16, 2013. Few CASA directors ever planned to be fundraisers but find themselves in a position where they must raise money in their communities. With the right knowledge…