Texas Children’s Commission Dual Status Task Force Final Report 2021

The Dual Status Task Force (DSTF) convened from July 2019 to December 2020. The Task Force included approximately 35 child welfare and juvenile justice system stakeholders from throughout Texas. The Task Force created six workgroups: Agency Coordination, Data, Definitions, Judicial Practices, Legal Representation & Advocacy and Training. Approximately 80 subject matter experts from throughout Texas participated in the workgroup discussions over the 18-month duration of the Task Force. Each of the six DSTF workgroups developed recommendations specific to their assigned topic. There was significant overlap as many of the issues are interrelated.

This report captures recommendations from the Task Force about what data, training, tools, resources and practices may be necessary to better understand and improve outcomes for youth involved in both the child welfare and juvenile justice systems. The report represents an important first step to identify strengths and opportunities for continued coordination and collaboration to better serve children and families who experience these systems in Texas.