Education Reach for Texans Annual Conference

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Occurring this April 3-4, the Education Reach for Texans Annual Conference is a gathering of key stakeholders aimed at creating a community of support to develop, implement and evaluate best practices in post-secondary support for youth and young adults with lived experience in foster care. The conference features two tracks: one fore young people and one for child welfare professionals. There is a discounted rate for youth who want to attend.

Education Reach for Texans seeks to eliminate barriers to success and build support programs for alumni of care attending public colleges and universities in the state of Texas. They are one of many growing groups of organizations across the nation seeking to improve the success of former foster youth in post-secondary education. Historically, their main means for achieving this goal has been to hold statewide convenings of post-secondary and child welfare professionals in order to facilitate sharing of ideas and spurring the implementation of campus-based support programs. While the convenings remain their core focus, they continue to expand communication efforts in sharing both resources and information.

Read the AgendaRegister Here


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