Meet Judge Hofmann: Distinguished Speaker Series Premieres Soon!

episode 1

Meet Judge Hoffmann on September 6, 2023 at 11 a.m. CT

Judge Rob Hofmann recently began a fourth term as judge of the 452nd Judicial District in five Hill Country counties. In 2021, Judge Hofmann was appointed by the Supreme Court of Texas to serve as Senior Jurist in Residence for the Children’s Commission. He currently serves as President-Elect for the board of directors of the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges. He has served Texas as a judicial representative at several national summits as well as current membership on the National Center for State Courts’ Rural Justice Collaborative Advisory Council.

Details on the Distinguished Speaker Series:

The Distinguished Speaker Series is an opportunity for the CASA network and other community partners involved in the child welfare system to learn about four honorable judges across Texas. The multi-part series features these high-caliber speakers sharing their backgrounds and expertise on topics and issues impacting the child welfare system.

Registration is $25 and includes all four episodes. A new episode will be released each Wednesday in September 2023 at 11 a.m. CT.

If you miss an episode, they will be available for viewing until Nov. 30, 2023.

Register Here



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