Child Abuse Prevention Month Proclamation Day
On Friday, April 5, the Texas CASA team gathered at the south steps of the Texas Capitol for #GoBlueDay and Child Abuse Prevention Proclamation Day. This inspiring event began with a speech from Representative John Lujan, a former CASA volunteer and a father of five boys, three of whom are adopted. Commissioner Stephanie Muth of the Department of Family Protective Services, Adrianna Cuèllar Rojas, TexProtects CEO and former CASA volunteer, and Sasha Rasco, Associate Commissioner for Prevention and Early Intervention at the Health and Human Services Commission also gave moving speeches about the importance of child abuse and neglect prevention, awareness and advocacy. Sasha Rasco closed out the speeches by emphasizing that “Prevention can mean a very understanding smile to a parent struggling with an upset toddler in the grocery store line,” and “It (prevention) really is wrapping support around families.”
Each speaker touched on the fundamental belief that the best way to prevent abuse and neglect is to support families. Supporting a family could involve connecting them to crucial services or faith-based community providers, or it could be as simple as a kind gesture. The most important takeaway is that we can all play a part in preventing child abuse and neglect. To do so, it takes strong communities that have the resources needed for children to thrive. Texas CASA is grateful to have seen so many passionate child welfare stakeholders and advocates gather together in solidarity to help prevent child abuse and neglect. A Texas-sized thank you goes out to Kerrie Judice, Director of Policy and Advocacy at TexProtects for the invitation to attend and participate in this important advocacy.