Community-Based Care & Foster Care Updates

Community-Based Care Update

The Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) and the Office of Community-Based Care Transition (OCBCT) closed the Requests for Applications (RFA) for the next four community areas on May 1, 2024. These RFAs are for Region 6A (Harris County), Region 6B (Bay Area/Montgomery), Region 8A (Bexar County) and Region 10 (El Paso). DFPS hopes to award contracts for these areas by the Fall of 2024.

Region 4 (4Kids4Families) officially went live in Stage II on May 1, 2024. Additionally, Denton, Wise, and Cooke counties in Region 3W (Our Community Our Kids) went live in Stage II on May 1, 2024. Stage II focuses on expanding the current continuum of services to include services for families and to increase permanency outcomes for children. Additionally, these SSCCs will provide case management, kinship, and reunification services in their community. Region 3E (EMPOWER) and Region 5 (Texas Family Care Network) also remain in Stage II.

For more information about Community-Based Care, watch the CBC Webinar hosted by Texas CASA and read the 3rd Edition of our Community-Based Care Guide. Additionally, the Public Policy Team has developed a resource highlighting the importance of CASA during every stage of Community-Based Care transition, which is available for programs to utilize here. We look forward to keeping the CASA network informed and supported during this transition while working together to ensure the successful implementation of Community-Based Care!


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