STAR Monthly Zoom for a 2-part Series on Advocating for Dual Status Youth

Please join STAR monthly Zoom for a 2-part series on Advocating for Dual Status youth. We know that youth in foster care are disproportionately represented in the juvenile and criminal justice systems and that these “dual-system” youth are at an even greater risk for mental health, education and vocational challenges, as well as having higher rates of suicide, drug use and homelessness. CASA advocacy for dual-status youth can bring a coordinated, trauma-informed, rehabilitating and healing approach that every child deserves. Dual-status youth often feel that everyone has given up on them which can leave them feeling even more isolated and alone. These vulnerable youth need help navigating the juvenile justice system and identifying and building positive supportive relationships to help them find hope in their situation.

Part 1 of our Dual-Status Youth series will be August 26, 12:00 – 1:00 p.m., and will cover an overview of the juvenile justice system and host a local CASA program panel to discuss some key advocacy strategies to support dual-status youth during the toughest time of their lives.

Part 2 of our Dual-Status Youth series will be September 30, 12:00 – 1:00 p.m., and will welcome a juvenile court judge, probation officers, the DFPS juvenile liaison’s office and an attorney representing youth in juvenile court. This hour will be jam-packed with practical information about working with the juvenile justice system stakeholders and how to best support youth as they navigate the system.

The STAR monthly Zoom link will remain the same for both August and September. If you have not registered for the STAR monthly Zoom calls, please register here for a calendar invite and zoom link. This webinar series is open to CASA supervisors and staff.

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