What are DFPS’s Funding Priorities for Next Session?
The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) recently released their Legislative Appropriations Request for Fiscal Years 2026 and 2027. Legislative Appropriations Requests (LAR) outline a state agency’s budgetary needs and priorities. An LAR typically includes an agency’s base budget (what has been previously funded and is required for an agency’s basic operations) and exceptional item requests (when an agency wants funding for a new project or program or when an agency wants to increase a line item in their budget). LARs will guide state leaders as they craft a first draft of the budget bill between now and January 2025 and revise the budget during the 89th Legislative Session. It is DFPS’s responsibility to request funds that support their efforts to build on the strengths of families and communities to keep children and vulnerable adults safe so they can thrive. The funding for Texas CASA’s Family Finding/Collaborative Family Engagement is in the DFPS budget and we are excited to announce that DFPS included it in their LAR again Fiscal Years 2026 and 2027.
DFPS’ Fiscal Year 2026 and 2027 exceptional items support keeping children and vulnerable adults safe so they can thrive and continuing to strengthen the agency’s structure to encourage innovation, provision of quality services and oversight, and sustainability.
- DFPS has many exceptional item requests, which can all be found in their LAR, but we wanted to highlight a few of them here: Funding for a contract to independently evaluate the fiscal and performance outcomes of Single Source Continuum Contractors (SSCCs).
- Request resources for the continued expansion of Community-Based Care for four new Stage I areas (7A, 7B, 11A, 11B) and four new Stage II areas (6A, 6B, 7A, & 8A).
- Expand the populations of relative care placements who can receive daycare support year-round.*
- Restore funding to draw down federal funding for Transitional Living Services that support older foster youth.*
- Pilot enhanced services and supports for high acuity youth to provide targeted interventions with youth aged 16+ placed in congregate care or at risk of becoming without placement.
- A placeholder for a replacement of the case management system (IMPACT).
- A placeholder for funding for wrap-around supports and services for children and their families after they have exited the child protection system.*
*Texas CASA legislative priority item
There were several placeholders in the DFPS LAR, which is just a way for them to notify the legislature that they plan to ask for funding for those items, but have not yet determined the cost. In many instances, they are waiting on reports that will be released in December related to those items. DFPS also noted that they are working with the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) and other agencies to develop a Children’s Behavioral Health Strategic plan which will include recommendations to improve behavioral health services and supports. You can read DFPS’s LAR Presentation to the Legislative Budget Board here.
If you have any questions about the legislative appropriations process or about the DFPS LAR, please email the Public Policy Team at publicpolicy@texascasa.org.