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Our work builds community

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Dear friend,

I feel an overwhelming sense of pride and awe at seeing the entire CASA network recognize and understand their role in engaging families and building connections for children in the foster care system. Foster care is only one part of a child’s story, not their whole story. Help us keep children connected to the people that love them. They need and deserve it.

This year, every local CASA program in Texas has committed to family engagement and connection-informed advocacy. It is pretty incredible to think that in 2015 this work was happening in only four local CASA programs, and now it is network wide!

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2023 is going to be a great year! I am most excited about hosting our Collaborative Family Engagement (CFE) Symposium in May. We’ll be bringing together folks from the local CASA programs and their Child Protective Services partners to celebrate CFE being statewide, to reflect on their journey, and to dream and plan for the future.

Help us keep the child as the lead character in their story. It takes a community to raise a child, and our work builds that community. Please join us!


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Candice Dosman
Advocacy Initiatives Director


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