Optima Data Management Toolkit
Optima Data Management Guide
The Optima Data Management Guide defines two types of Optima data, identifies common reports, lists basic data definitions, addresses Optima rules, describes recommended practices—all in an effort to create and ensure uniformity, consistency and accuracy in our data management practices across the state.
Additionally, you can check out the Texas CASA Custom Report Tip Sheet that provides helpful tips on how to run the custom reports listed below.
Texas CASA Network Data Definitions
The Texas CASA network has established Data Definitions, for use in key fields in local programs’ Optima systems. Included are Baseline Definitions (relating to statistics, counts and ODM reporting), Advocacy Definitions (relating to Optima Activity Types), and CFE Definitions.
Texas CASA Custom Reports
This series of reports has been developed for the CASA network. Below is a brief explanation of each of these reports, and in the subsequent pages, please find important detail about each report.
- Texas ODM Fiscal Start (BOY) Child-Case Submission – Count of children / cases and demographics at start of Fiscal Year, to be used for ODM BOY report.
- Texas ODM Fiscal Start (BOY) Volunteer Submission – Count of assigned volunteers and demographics (on active cases) at start of Fiscal Year, to be used for ODM BOY report.
- Texas ODM Quarterly Child-Case Submission – Count of new children / cases in a date range, with demographic and county breakdowns, to be used for ODM quarterly child submissions.
- Texas ODM Quarterly Volunteer Submission – Count of new children / cases in a date range, with demographic breakdowns, to be used for ODM quarterly child submissions.
- Texas PChV (Percent of Children Served with a Volunteer) – Lists all active children in a date range, and their supervisor and volunteer assignments. Totals all children with and without a volunteer.
- Texas VCR (Volunteer-Case Ratio) – Lists all active cases in a date range, and their supervisor and volunteer assignments. Totals all cases with and without a volunteer.
- 2-Year Volunteer Retention Rate – Based on the sworn date and discharge date of volunteers; for use in QA.
- No Petition/Case Start Date – Lists all active cases missing a Petition/Case Start Date.
Best Additional Helpful Custom Reports
- Activity Types by Case: Lists all Activity Types for Contact Logs completed in a date range for one case. (Great tool for case supervisors!)
- Board Report: Lists children / cases by county, with opens and closes, for a month date range, and shows the previous month for comparison.
- Case Start – Petition Date: This report shows the Case Start Date and Assigned to Program Date for each Active Case in the Date Range.
- Contact Logs – Case Contacts – by Supervisor (formerly titled Case Contacts – by Supervisor): Lists all persons contacted on a case, for a date range. Lists ALL occurrences of contact, and for anyone who entered a Contact Log in the case.
- Document Types by Case for One Quarter: Lists all Document Types entered into a Case in a date range (use the Case Start Date to see all Documents for the case).
- Document Types by Case for ENTIRE Case: This is helpful to check for specific documents necessary for the case file (CASA Order of Appointment, Pledge of Confidentiality, etc.) or other items that your program wishes to track individually.
- Document Types by Volunteer: Lists all Document Types entered into a Volunteer File. (Great for checking if a Volunteer has all required documents!)
- No Children Visits – by Activity Type – by Supervisor: This report shows children missing an Activity Type for a date range.
- VOCA Progress Report Instructions: This help sheet was developed to support the quarterly VOCA-CJD submissions for local CASA programs after the conclusion of each VOCA fiscal quarter.
- Texas Staff Contacts – Activity Summary by Date: This report is a total # and hours summary of each Activity Type; for all Active Cases, Contact Logs completed by Staff in the date range.
- Texas Staff Contacts – Mileage by Date (formerly called Texas VOCA Supervisor Mileage): Lists all STAFF made contact logs approved in the date range, by supervisor and case. Suitable for use for totaling Staff Mileage for VOCA/CVC RFRs, and for showing staff direct service hours.
- Texas VOCA Desk Audit Report (formerly titled Texas Tom’s Report): Developed as a one-stop report for all case-related information needed to send for the annual VOCA desk audit. Run for the date range and select all for the other options.
- Texas Volunteer Contacts – Activity Summary by Date: This report is a total number and hours summary of each Activity Type; for all Active Cases, Contact Logs completed by Volunteers AND approved by Staff in the date range.
- Texas Volunteer Contacts – Mileage by Date (formerly called Texas VOCA Mileage): Lists all VOLUNTEER made contact logs approved in the date range, by supervisor and case. Suitable for use for totaling Volunteer Hours and Mileage for VOCA/CVC RFRs.