New Report from the Texas Alliance of Child and Family Services

Four of the Single Source Continuum Contractors (Saint Francis, 2Ingage, Our Community Our Kids, and Belong) utilized funding appropriated by the 87th Legislature in collaboration with the Texas Alliance of Child and Family Services to design and implement a joint Community-Based Care capacity-building plan to address inadequate placement capacity for children in care. This report aims to highlight ways to build quality capacity, strengthen the system, and advance the goals of Community-Based Care to promote child safety, permanency, and well-being. Read the full report here.

For more information about Community-Based Care, the CBC Webinar hosted in October by Texas CASA is available to watch here and the 3rd Edition of Texas CASA’s Community-Based Care Guide is available to read here.

If you have any questions about the Community-Based Care transition, email and we will find the best person to respond to your inquiry. We look forward to keeping the CASA network informed and supported during this transition while working together to successfully implement Community-Based Care.

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